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Discussione: Bayer-Monsanto alla conquista della cannabis: ma Dolce Vita non ci sta!

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  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    10 Post(s)
    Bayer e Monsanto, che ormai sono la stessa azienda visto che la seconda è stata acquistata dalla multinazionale tedesca per 63 miliardi di dollari, sono ormai entrate da tempo nel[Continua...]

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  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2012
    Nei pressi di un arcobaleno
    774 Post(s)
    Questo significa avere coglioni fermi...... Bravi...... Apprezzo molto il gesto......
    Avere dei principi solidi prima o poi ripaga....... Complimenti....
    Non è la Cannabis che ci rende criminali, ma la Legge!

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    May 2013
    paese dei balocchi
    965 Post(s)
    ci vogliono privare di ogni libertà di scelta
    un plauso alla redazione di dolce vita per la decisione economicamente svantaggiosa ma eticamente corretta

  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2014
    463 Post(s)
    pensare che ho appena preso tre gavita piu' un controller! ho regalato quasi 2k alla bayer/monsanto

  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2012
    Nei pressi di un arcobaleno
    774 Post(s)
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da mozart Visualizza Messaggio
    pensare che ho appena preso tre gavita piu' un controller! ho regalato quasi 2k alla bayer/monsanto

    La Natura ci ringrazia caro @mozart....... tranquillo comunque che non sei solo........ anche io ho un bel po' di GHE Flora da smaltire
    Son passato ai led, anche per cercare di impattare di meno sui consumi energetici, che non fanno proprio bene all'ambiente........
    Sperando invece in una liberalizzazione della Cannabis, butterei anche i led al cesso e farei solo Outdoor........ ma questa credo sia una bella utopia........ (almeno x il momento)
    Non è la Cannabis che ci rende criminali, ma la Legge!

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2015
    287 Post(s)
    solo la divisione americana di General Hydroponics è stata acquisita da monsanto, l'azienda europea (GHE) è rimasta fuori dall'acquisizione e continua ad essere una piccola azienda a "gestione familiare" con la sede in francia e con il diritto per diversi anni di commercializzare le solite formule e mantenere il nome. Il nome GHE appunto verrà cambiato progressivamente in "Terra Acquatica" e vi invito a non boicottarli per partito preso
    Ultima modifica di green_youth; 11-04-19 alle 08:19

  7. #7
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2015
    287 Post(s)
    qui la spiegazione del misfatto

    This is the question people were asking themselves on that day of April, 2017, when the staff at the GHE offices heard the devastating news.

    General Hydroponics - our parent company from California - had just been gobbled up by Scott’s Miracle Gro, the multinational known in France for its brands KB, Fertiligène and… RoundUp.

    Those who know exclaim: “What a waste!”, “What a shame!” customers can be heard saying, and the employees are shell-shocked: “No way !”

    It’s thanks to 20 years of hard work and activism of William Texier and Noucetta Kehdi, and 20 years of support from Lawrence Brooke, the founder of G.H. and a pioneer in bringing hydroponics to the masses, and it’s thanks to the 28 passionate employees (42 in total since the beginning of the adventure) and 4 freelance partners that we were able to provide Europe’s supply of Flora Series® and Aeroflo Systems®, and create best-selling products such as WaterFarm® and AquaFarm®, Ripen®, the Dutch-Pot System® and the only certified organic fertiliser which can be used in a hydroponic system (originally BioSevia® for bioponics).

    The answer is no! GHE isn’t going anywhere, not like that, not when we’re so close to legalisation, not after having come so far.

    So, GHE will be re-born under the name Terra Aquatica®: a totally independent French company based near the Spanish border.

    Why Terra Aquatica® ?

    Because earth and water are what we do best. Because we know what your plants like. We know exactly what they absorb and what they need.

    We also know that Flora Series® was developed by Dr Cal Herrmann for NASA in 1976, to carry out tests in orbital stations, and that Lawrence Brooke was able to surround himself with the brightest graduates from the prestigious University of California, Davis, who didn’t want their talent to go to Monsanto.

    And we know all this because it has been working for over 40 years.

    But will it be the same ?

    All our areas of expertise remain the same. Although Europe and the US are worlds apart, G.H.Europe was able to pave its own way by developing a range which is 70% organic (including fertilisers and boosters), whereas the regulations which apply to organic products on either side of the Atlantic are completely different.

    Rest assured! We are keeping the original formula of our Flora-Series® as well as those of all the other products we currently sell because we own the rights to them. Only the name and labelling will be changing.

    In terms of ethics and protecting the environment, we always prefer to keep production internal, and to find supplies as locally as possible, out of respect for our employees and for the planet.

    So ?

    GHE is launching a 100% organic range under the brand name Terra Aquatica®.

    From complete “bioponic” fertilisers, sold under the names Thrive® and Sevia®, to root and bloom boosters selected by GHE, humic acids, seaweed extract, nettle manure, trichoderma... we have it all, even a brand new line of organic soil.

    The first organic peat-free compost on the market, easily recognisable by its blue colour, which is also the colour of the new brand, T.A.® Organic Soil - Light Mix offers all the advantages of highend organic compost without the ecological footprint of the over-exploitation of peatlands.

    You’ve got it. We want all the expertise in plant care and nutrition that we have acquired thanks to our hard work in hydroponics to serve all growers, including fans of coconut and lovers of the land.

    What about hydroponics ?

    Both General Hydroponics California and Europe have earned their claim to fame as leading specialists in the US, Europe, Canada and Russia.

    We will continue our work in the field by developing hydroponic micro-farms for the future market-gardening section, we will continue to collaborate on urban revegetation projects and to support all those who wish to grow all the plants they want while getting the best out of them.

    We are GHE, soon to be T.A.

    qui i rebrand dei prodotti
    Ultima modifica di green_youth; 11-04-19 alle 09:08

  8. #8
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2014
    463 Post(s)
    comunque sia per me non c'era problema visto che i ghe non li usavo comunque.
    Solo che sono rimasto colpito dall'acquisizione del 75% di Gavita.
    Spero non si comprino anche dim lux visto che ho ordinato qualche lec da loro.

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