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Discussione: Articolo: Monsanto, and GMO Terminator Cannabis

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    Ho trovato questo articolo agghiacciante sulla cannabis OGM e Monsanto e soci:

    Monsanto, and GMO Terminator Cannabis:

    [...] David Watson is credited for developing some of the most widely used Cannabis strains in the world, including his famous strain called Skunk #1 which was imported and used in George Weiblens research to develop GE Cannabis strains at the University of Minnesota.[...]

    At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds from strains being bred in Amsterdam. The funding for this research came partially from the Dutch Government, the rest from the DEA. Watson had been busted for growing in Santa Cruz California on March-20-1985 and resurfaced in Amsterdam to start his seed company Cultivator’s Choice. DEA supported the Watsons application for a license to grow for research in Holland, even though they should have been extraditing him back to Cali for his 1985 Santa Cruz grow bust! DEA endorsement was so strong that he was the first to be granted a permit in Holland when several universities and domestic research groups with PHD’s and legitimate reasons for research were denied! The Dutch government even supplied three greenhouses for Watson to do his heinous experiments, while normal Dutch growers lost all of their equipment and had to serve murder-like sentences at that time! Dutch seed companies have become the Monsanto of the cannabis seed industry, and hope to make us all seed junkies at $20 a seed.!”

    “The license gave Watson control over what researchers are allowed access to pedigreed seeds of predictable quality! The object is to patent up every possible combination of cannabinoids with efficacy for every possible disease they can treat, and every possible genetic sequence! Once ready to make the move, they will shut down every medical cannabis grower for patent fraud”

    Ultima modifica di KGB; 05-02-14 alle 17:45 <--Hidden Content
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  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    un commento interessante dal fondo dell'articolo:
    July 13, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    this is insidious, and may be the reasons for not allowing Afghanistan to resume growing pot again instead of poppies. as their MJ was some of the best in the world. [...] <--Hidden Content
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  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    157 Post(s)
    Tutto ciò è semplicemente agghiacciante, spero non sia vero nessuno di questi misfatti...

    Grazie per aver condiviso! Ho spostato, però, qui in "Cannabis 100%" @KGB
    And you tried to accumulate But the world is full of hate
    So all of your best thoughts just adrift through space
    I know a place where we can carry on,
    We can carry on, we can carry on...
    And this people like you, ooh, people like me
    People need to be free, yeah!
    There's a place in the sun where there is love for everyone
    Where we can be yeah!
    (Bob Marley) Hidden Content

  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    purtroppo l'articolo è del 2011 e le cose possono solo esser peggiorate da allora.
    È una costante, quando si tratta di danni ambientali permanenti (es: pcb, radiazioni, ogm ecc).

    OT: qualcuno è riuscito ad ottenere semi dalle lowrider?

    EDIT: @bBerry
    non era più idoneo "WAR ON DRUGS" come sottoforum, visto il coinvolgimento della DEA ?

    [nota sarcastica:] "CANNABIS 100%" non pare appropiato in questo caso, vedo il progetto di cannabis ogm priva di thc e brevettata (C) documentato da questo articolo piuttosto come un caso di "CANNABIS 0%"
    Ultima modifica di KGB; 05-02-14 alle 21:38 <--Hidden Content
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  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    157 Post(s)
    Ho letto del coinvolgimento della tutto fosse vero potrebbe anche stare in "War On Drugs" ma in maniera un po' forzata: in quella sezione si parla di arresti, sequestri e denunce riguardanti tutte le sostanza stupefacenti.
    In questo caso, oltre a non essere una notizia verificata, (anche se personalmente non mi stupirei per niente fosse veritiera al 100%) si parla comunque di cannabis e della sua eventuale modifica del patrimonio genetico, quindi rappresenterebbe una novità (anche se estremamente negativa) per la sua storia e cultura. Sono proprio questi ultimi i requisiti per entrare in questa stanza.
    And you tried to accumulate But the world is full of hate
    So all of your best thoughts just adrift through space
    I know a place where we can carry on,
    We can carry on, we can carry on...
    And this people like you, ooh, people like me
    People need to be free, yeah!
    There's a place in the sun where there is love for everyone
    Where we can be yeah!
    (Bob Marley) Hidden Content

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    bberry, War on drugs riguarda ad esempio la distruzione di piante di cannabis e di coca in Colombia e (in passato) in bolivia.
    Quest'articolo parla di una estinzione programmata della cannabis è "war on drugs". Ma vabbè trattando solo dell'estinzione di questa specifica pianta forse "cannabis 100%" non è poi così errata come classificazione.

    Riguardo alla verificabilità basta pensare a cos'è successo alla soia a livello mondiale: è quasi estinta. Ad oggi uno non può comprare soia senza che ci sia la quasi certezza che sia OGM.

    L'articolo mi pare comunque ben documentato.
    La Cnn e BBC non hanno parlato di questi fatti ma non mi pare affatto che sia un metro valido per stabilire la "veridicità al 100%" o meno di una notizia
    Ultima modifica di KGB; 06-02-14 alle 00:10 Motivo: edit: typo, mi riferivo alla soia, non alla colza (della colza non sò nulla) <--Hidden Content
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  7. #7
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    Altro articolo:

    Producing genetically modifed products can increase yield or add resistance to pests for some crops. Cannabis is largely resistant to pests, and does not need pesticides or herbicides to grow. But, if large corporations distribute GMO marijuana, it will provide them the abilty to patent and control the production of cannabis.

    In the event of widespread distribution of GMO cannabis, a different legal problem will present itself. Will farmers be allowed to grow marijuana that is not genetically modified? Federal law requires some farmers to purchase “Round-Up Ready” seeds from Monsanto every year. One farmer recently received eight years in prison for saving seed from one year’s crop to plant the following spring, which lost a sale for the food manufacturer. Monsanto is already investing in research and development of GMO marijuana. Farmers may be able to grow marijuana in the next few years, but soon after that, they may be branded criminals for not growing GMO strains.

    Some observers believe large pharmaceutical companies are already growing vast fields of GMO marijuana, preparing for the end of cannabis prohibition in the near future.

    One has to wonder if the current debate on health effects of cannabis will soon change to a debate pitting GMO against organic varieties.


    Is Monsanto Ready to Enter The Medical Marijuana War?

    Why We Must Ban GM Cannabis

    US Patent Pending for Genetically Modified Marijuana

    Marijuana, Monsanto, and you

    Genetically modified medpot?
    [...] "Scheduled labs around the country which are already growing marijuana are using seeds from the University of Mississippi," reported the official. "The genetics come from Monsanto."[...]

    [...]Pender eventually suggested that the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which also gets its cannabis from the University of Mississippi, might be a source for contracted growers looking to buy licit seeds. If the unnamed source at the Ministry of Health is correct, all of these seeds would originally have come from Monsanto.[...]


    Monsanto's marijuana

    The US-based Monsanto corporation became infamous last year when the public discovered that the huge pharmaceutical company was responsible for producing Agent Orange during the Vietnam war, for producing and selling Roundup to be sprayed on South American villages, for experimenting with dangerous genetically modified foods, and ? most recently ? for creating the dreaded "terminator" seed.

    Terminator seeds are genetically engineered to produce a plant that will not produce viable seed, meaning that growers would be forced to go back to Monsanto each year to buy more seed stock to replant. Governments and public alike became wary of the concept when it was discovered that the terminator seed could possibly cross the species barrier, possibly spreading infertility among the plant kingdom like a disease.

    Cannabis seeds from Monsanto are almost definitely genetically engineered. Genetically engineered plants can be patented, and it is in Monsanto's best interest to hold a patent on any seed they sell. Seed patents ensure that companies like Monsanto can continue to profit from seeds from year to year, as farmers are legally bound to buy patented seeds from the patent holder rather than simply store them from the last year's crop.[...]

    Pharmaceutical schwag

    Interestingly, low-potency pot of the kind produced by Monsanto seeds at the University of Mississippi is exactly the kind of product the Ministry of Health is asking for from contractors. The guidelines ask specifically for "standardized marijuana cigarettes with THC content of between 4% and 6% and weighing [about] 850 mg."

    Which means the cigarettes to be used for clinical trials will be phatties containing over three-quarters of a gram of schwag bud each! These fat joints will deliver about twice the tar per dose as marijuana currently available from experienced growers, which reaches between 8-10% THC.

    The Health Canada document seems concerned that smoking can cause harm, and promises to explore other methods soon after the initial trials are run. Yet the product they choose to use is guaranteed to maximize the risks and problems associated with smoking. Could it be that the Ministry of Health is creating its own excuse not to use smoking as a delivery method?

    Our anonymous source within the ministry assures us that the government plans to eventually only allow the use of inhalers, similar to asthma inhalers.

    "The inhaler gets rid of any small industry that might develop, by regulating the delivery system. The other idea that didn't go through was to develop a seed system that would allow cultivars from across Canada which would then be grandfathered. What this means is that once the cultivated varieties were tested they would be introduced just the same as if they had been genetically modified."

    Patented seeds and dose delivery methods could mean complete pharmaceutical control of medicinal cannabis sometime in the near future.
    Ultima modifica di KGB; 05-02-14 alle 23:29 <--Hidden Content
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  8. #8
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    157 Post(s)
    Hai ragione anche te per quanto riguarda l'estinzione...
    (peccato per la colza: il suo olio è formidabile, così come lo sarebbe il biodiesel)

    Mi hai convinta, risposto, anche se potrebbe stare in entrambe le stanze, per me
    And you tried to accumulate But the world is full of hate
    So all of your best thoughts just adrift through space
    I know a place where we can carry on,
    We can carry on, we can carry on...
    And this people like you, ooh, people like me
    People need to be free, yeah!
    There's a place in the sun where there is love for everyone
    Where we can be yeah!
    (Bob Marley) Hidden Content

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2013
    1243 Post(s)
    ...cazz° >>> ci manca solo L'Ombrella corporation !!!

  10. #10
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2014
    Планета Ка-Пэкс
    100 Post(s)
    EDIT sul typo: in quel paragrafo mi riferivo in entrambe le frasi alla soia. Nella prima frase avevo per sbaglio scritto "colza".

    altri articoli sull'argomento:
    Feminized & Autoflowering Marijuana: A Monsanto GMO Plot to Eliminate Natural Marijuana Genetics?

    Discover How You Stop GMOs from Harming Your Medical Marijuana

    [...]It gets worse...millions of dollars are spent to create GMO Fusarium fungi that kill marijuana. A former employee of an "anti-drug" agency says biotech scientists are trying to genetically modify marijuana to create zero-THC cannabis that genetically “terminates” high-THC varieties.

    Growers in Hawaii and elsewhere tell spooky stories about helicopters dumping GMO insects on marijuana crops…seemingly indestructible voracious insects that ate the marijuana to the ground virtually overnight. Those GMO insects, and a lot of other horrific corporate creations are real parts of the GMO brave new world.

    It's like scary science fiction come true... [...]

    And tens of thousands of farmers worldwide have seen their farms and families ruined by GMO crops that contaminate their non-GMO crops with “terminator genes” that sterilize natural crops so farmers could not plant their next generation of seeds.[...]

    The corporate giants who profit the most from GMOs, including the notorious Monsanto Corporation, play GMO hardball. Monsanto even sues farmers whose fields are contaminated by stray pollen from adjacent Monsanto GMO crops, claiming that the farmers “pirated” Monsanto’s GMO technology without paying for it.[...]

    E riguardo la "missione" di Monsanto di sterminare tutte le api:

    Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens
    Ultima modifica di KGB; 06-02-14 alle 00:12 <--Hidden Content
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