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Discussione: Andrè Furst arrestato

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
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    la situazione continua a degenerare. Il 21 settembre polizia e soldati hanno distrutto il campo (autorizzato) e messo i sigilli alla fattoria:
    Dear friends,
    After the attacks by a group of unidentified men earlier this week on the farm of Chanvre-Info in Switzerland, yesterday the police (accompanied by soldiers) has destroyed the hemp field at sealed the farm. This field was legal. Chanvre-Info had the authorisation to grow hemp to produce seeds, essentail oil and hemp schnapps. Meanwhile, André continues in preventive arrest, we still do not know if his 29 month jail term has started or not.

    mentre notizia arrivata oggi è l' intervento degli skinheads, che hanno minacciato di attaccare la fattoria, gli amici e specialmente la famiglia di Andrè, ora che lui è in prigione lo stanno sostenendo e si sono detti disponibili a continuare Chanvre-info :

    Dear friends,
    Tonight we were informed that in the past days the situation for Chanvre-Info (the company of André Fürst in Switzerland) has become worse. A group of skinheads is threatening to attack the Chanvre-Info farm as well as the family and friends of André, who have supported him until the last moment and were planning to continue Chanvre-Info while André is in prison. Swiss authorities are aware of the situation but are apparently reluctant to intervene. The situation is very confusing, I do not have more background information for the moment.

    The best we can do it seems is to let Swiss authorities know that people outside Switzerland are following the situation and expect them to ensure the safety of the people involved.

    There are two letters you can send: (to the main District Attorney of the canton of Fribourg, copies to the press) (to the Swiss president, on André's case)

    Thanks for your co-operation, best wishes

    Chi può spedisca le lettere alle autorità svizzere (c'è anche la versione in italiano), in modo che sappiano che fuori dalla Svizzera c' è gente che segue il caso e si aspetta che le autorità intervengano.

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2005
    nessun dove
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    <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE> mentre notizia arrivata oggi è l' intervento degli skinheads, che hanno minacciato di attaccare la fattoria, gli amici e specialmente la famiglia di Andrè, ora che lui è in prigione lo stanno sostenendo e si sono detti disponibili a continuare Chanvre-info : </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

    trovo assurdo, paradossale (e molto, molto, molto sospetto) che nella civile Confederazione si sia riusciti, in pochissimi anni, a passare da una situazione di \"canapai&sacchettini\" agli skinheads...
    Guardare dentro, guardare fuori, verso un mare di stelle.


  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
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    Mail mandate.
    Scuotiamo il perbenismo elvetico e invitiamoli a ragionare!
    Un mondo migliore è possibile, ma bisogna sbattersi!!
    Hidden Content

  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
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    Si possono scrivere cartoline o lettere direttamente ad Andrè, per fargli sentire che non è solo. Scusate se la richiesta non è tradotta dall' inglese, per mancanza di tempo.

    Please send a postcard or letter to André Fürst the hemp farmer - activist - campaigner in Switzerland recently thrown in prison after the Swiss Government changed their laws - for trying to use the plant to help the world

    The latest news on Andre Fürst is that he is now in the central prison in Fribourg. It is expected that the judge will take a decision within the coming ten days on his case, very likely he will have to start his 29 months prison sentence. Several people are trying to maintain the work at Chanvre-Info so the company can continue. It is expected that after 8 or 10 months, Andre will be able to leave prison during the daytime, so he can take care of the company himself again.


    please send a letter of support as often as you can over the next 9 months:

    André Fürst
    Prison centrale de Fribourg
    CH - 1700 Fribourg

  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
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    Andrè Furst, coordinatore di e membro dello Steering Committee di Encod, è stato prelevato dalla polizia svizzera e portato in prigione. Scusate se il testo del comunicato stampa è per ora solo in inglese, altre info su, dove si possono firmare la lettera aperta alle autorità svizzere e l' appello Libertà di coltivare: niente prigione per Andrè Furst!

    The following press release was received from Switzerland yesterday. It seems the 29 months prison term for André Fürst has now begun. You can help to put pressure on the Swiss authorities to make it as short and human as possible: please send the and ask others to do so as well..

    P.R. concerning the arrest of Andre Furst:

    Sunday 09.09.07, The Fribourg cantonal police arrested André Fürst

    For a couple of months, Chanvre Info has been taking care of a hemp field
    for the production of seeds, hemp schnapps and essential oil, three
    strictly legal products. Suddenly, the police sequestered the storage
    hall, blocked the access to the field and later arrested André Fürst.

    The pretext used is not acceptable. André Fürst never received instruction
    from the cantonal judge Markus Jumly to send a harvest-announcing letter.
    Chanvre-Info will start harvesting on the 17th September. Before, we just
    maintain the field by taking out the mouldy, male, hermaphrodite and sick
    plants. Exactly what the police found in the truck on the filed and in the
    storage during its first intervention Saturday evening.

    This field is official; the authorities could stop the Chanvre-Info
    expenses to grow and protect it for such a long time if they would have got
    a legal argument to do it. The narcotic Federal law has not been revised.
    The popular initiative for hemp regulation will be up to vote around 2008/09
    The reform of the Swiss hemp policy has not been achieved. Why has the
    Fribourg authorities suddenly chosen this brutal repression?

    Switzerland was well known for its tradition of socially acceptable
    compromise and great respect of human and civil rights. André Fürst was
    arrested on Sunday without his lawyer's assistance and for a futile
    pretext. This zero tolerance style of justice, directly inspired by the
    USA, is not an acceptable way to threaten a Swiss citizen.

    We claim for André Fürsts liberation and impartial justice for hemp.


    Report da Murten (Svizzera):

    Im writing from the farm, in Murten, where I have to inform you all of
    some very bad news...
    About 2 hours ago the local police took Andre Furst and have put him into

    They did not give him the chance to call his lawyer, and at the beginning
    only asked Andre to come to the station for an interview. I, as a
    co-worker of ENCOD through Hemp Lobby, together with Sylwia were also
    expecting to speak with the police in an interview, but they only wanted
    to speak with Andre to begin with, and said they would ring us
    we waited, and waited a bit more...

    After an hour an a half, we stood in front of the station only to find out
    a bit later from a policeman who was leaving, that they are holding

    As soon as we know something more we shall write again - if it will be

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
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    qualche foto del campo distrutto e di Andrè

  7. #7
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2004
    La strada
    77 Post(s)
    sempre peggio...
    "Se per vivere devi strisciare, alzati e muori."

  8. #8
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
    0 Post(s)
    grazie Mkb...

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2005
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    La situazione peggiora, al centro di ricerche agricole di Chanvre-info a Murten. Dopo l' arresto di Andrè, una dozzina di individui armati di pistole, mazze da baseball e spranghe hanno fatto irruzione nella fattoria e nel campo. Qui sotto la lettera spedita da Chanvre-info alle autorità cantonali.
    La Svizzera dalla tolleranza ai paramilitari?

    Attack on field at Chanvre-Info. The police abandoned the situation
    without providing security.

    Murten, Sunday 16th September '07, 04:30

    Dear President of the Tribunal Canton of Fribourg,

    I report the news of serious deeds that happened in the early hours of the
    morning in Murten around the field at the Chanvre-Info farm.

    At around 1 o'clock in the morning, Sunday 16th September, a gang of about
    a dozen individuals in balaclavas, armed with guns, lead bars, and
    baseball bats, aimed to antagonize and immobilise the two watchmen of the
    field in Morat, as well as managing to steal an indeterminate amount of

    After risking being kidnapped or worse, the watchmen successfully
    persuaded the attackers to leave them to stay in the same place, and
    finally alerted the rest of the farm. The police arrived 10 minutes after
    our call for help. The policemen took our watchmen to the police station
    and kept them for 4 hours, whilst no patrol stayed to protect the field
    and the rest of the people at the farm, including three women, against an
    eventual new attack.

    Suspicious activity continues around the farm and the field, but we still
    are not receiving any protection against the gang, there is no police in
    sight. Therefore, we inform you that we are now trying to ensure our
    safety. The protection of the field is no longer in our means and should
    not be our responsibility until acceptable support is received.

    On behalf of Chanvre-Info,

    Laurent Appel

  10. #10
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2004
    La strada
    77 Post(s)
    anche in svizzera stanno arrivando ala frutta.. che tristezza!

    "Se per vivere devi strisciare, alzati e muori."

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